From Curious Beginners to Confident Creators!

Masterpiece Makers Club

The Step-by-Step, Well Structured Online Painting Masterclasses for Kids ages 5+/7 years old that will give the child sense of joy, accomplishment and success....

We Help Transform Your Child's Creative Potential Into Colorful and Vibrant Masterpieces, Nurturing Creativity, Skill Development and Mastery at their own pace, without stress,  overwhelm and mess!

Take a Look what is inside

Parents, Do you Think  that only traditional art classes are the only way to nurture your child's artistic talents ,  develop essential skills, strengthen fine motor skills, unleash creativity, boost confidence?
This Misconception can lead to stresslack of enjoyment, and missed opportunities for your child to fully explore their potential in a supportive environment.

OR .... 
YOUR Child's Hidden Creative POTENTIAL  ???

My Child Gets Frustrated because they don't know how to get their ideas onto the paper

Many Young children have wonderful ideas but lack the basic skills to bring them to life. This frustration can cause them to lose interest ,and without the right guidance, their creativity remains untapped.

I want to support my child's artistic growth, But I don't know HOW

You see their potential, but without formal training, it is difficult to provide them with the proper tools and techniques to help them  progress. You want them to learn, but in a way that's engaging and appropriate for their age.

My child lacks confidence in their art and is afraid to make mistakes

For many kids, the FEAR of their work not turning out "right" keeps them from enjoying the creative process. They may be hesitant to try new techniques or feel disappointed when they don't get things perfect.

There's so much unstructured art time; is it really helping them grow?

While Art at home is fun, it's often unstructured and lacks progression. You want reassurance that your child is actually learning and developing key artistic skills in a meaningful way.

With so many activities, how do I make sure their creativity is nurtured?

Between school, playdates, and extracurriculars, it can be easy for art to take a backseat. You want to ensure that their creative talents are consistently nurtured without adding extra pressure to your busy schedule.

How can I ensure my child's art stands out and feels truly expressive?

Parents often wonder how to help their child's artwork become more vibrant, memorable, and filled with personality. Without proper guidance , it can be challenging to teach them how to use artistic tools and techniques to make their art truly shine.

BUT It doesn't have to BE the case....

Here's  HOW  Our  step - by- step  approach  will  help  your child  THRIVE 

No MORE Frustration - Your Child Will learn Real Art Skills

In our guided lessons, your child will learn how to arrange objects on the paper, analyze and construct images, and achieve complex colors by mixing paints. With a focus on the step-by-step mastery, your child will have tools to confidently express their ideas into art without being overwhelmed.

You Don't Need to Be the Expert - We Provide Clear, Professional Guidance

Our lessons were created by experienced artist-teachers, and approved by thousands of children and parents. WE begin by focusing on technique - helping your chid grasp essential skills such as color mixing, composition, and light-shadow principles. Once the fundamentals are in place, creativity naturally follows.

Mastering techniques first, Creativity Comes Next

Creativity doesn't always comes first - it needs a Foundation. In our membership, we begin by gradually, in a process of painting - introduce techniques like form, shape, and proportion, so your child can confidently express their creativity later. With the solid base , your child will be able to create vibrant, expressive, and individual artwork that conveys mood and personal style. 

We Build Confidence - Not Perfectionism

Through exploring expressive tools like line, shape, background (often tinted paper) , color, and light - shadow contrast, your child will build confidence in their own abilities. These essential techniques empower them to create striking and memorable works, without worrying about perfection. Every project is a step forward in their artistic journey.

Structured Learning That Feels Like a Play

Our lessons incorporate simplified forms and manageable tasks designed specifically for young children. Each project carefully planned to consider how kids perceive and process information, ensuring your child can follow along and feel successful. With each lesson, your child,  will create expressive paintings that feel fun and playful, but actually rooted in strong artistic principles.

Creating Expressive, Lively and memorable Artwork

By using colored background, your child will learn how different elements of art - like light and dark contrasts - create more textured, colofrul, and voluminous paintings. Whether working with a white or dark background, your child will understand how to make objects stand out, using color contrasts to give their artwork greater expressiveness and individuality.

Learning the Basics

During each lesson Your child will be gradually introduced to important concepts:
- Highlight: the brightest part on the object , reflecting light
-Light: the illuminated area
-Half-shadow: the area between light and shadow
- Core shadow: the darkest part of an object
- Reflection: The light reflected within the shadow.  With these techniques, your child's paintings will come to life, looking more realistic, impressive, and full of depth, 

Consistent Creative Growth

Our step-by-step guided lessons ensure that your child is learning at a comfortable pace. You do not need to worry about structuring their art time or coming up with new projects - our lessons do the work for you.

 And as your child masters each new technique, you'll see their skills and confidence flourish without stress of figuring out what comes next. 

And Much More....

Focusing on building skills first, using expressive tools like color, light and shadow, and guiding your child through well-thought-out, step-by-step lessons, we help them develop major skills, real artistic abilities while fostering creativity and confidence.

Our lessons ensure that every child, no matter their standing point, experiences the joy of artistic success.
All masterclassses. are tailored to the childs age.

 Also KEEP in MIND  that, The level of development of fine motor skills decreases. Many children have inactive or very weak fingers, and it is no secret that the development of a child's hands, manual skills play huge role in a healthy and strong physical and neurological development.

An indicator of intellectual readiness for school is the level of development of fine motor skills in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to start developing fine motor skills of hands from preschool age. In order to achieve successful and harmonious development of speech, as well as good mental and physical development of the child. 

!!!  IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER - THE MEMBERSHIP provide a Single Family User Licence !!!
Designed for home utilization only. THE Masterclasses are NOT intended and are  NOT ALLOWED for application within an educational institution or other online/offline art clubs.!!!
 Refer to privacy policy below!!!!

What your Child Will Explore & Master

The Benefits of Tactile and visual Learning

PAINTING is a form of visual and creative learning that engages a child's ability to observe, interpret, and express ideas through color, shapes, and patterns. It enhances hand-eye coordination, nurtures focus and patience, and builds problem -  solving skills as kids learn to mix colors, plan compositions, and refine techniques. Painting fosters emotional expression, boosts creativity, and gives children a tangible sense of achievement as they transform blank canvases into vibrant masterpieces.

Colorful Canvas, Happy Hearts: Gouache Painting Bliss Without Cleanup Blues for Busy Parents !

Your child will learn how to paint vibrant and expressive masterpieces following step-by-step guidance, will learn gouache painting techniques and how to paint with joy and achieve amazing result.

Also your child will get acquainted with elements of art (color, value, shape, form, line), elements of shading (light, shade, reflex, highlight), and how to create volume, transparency and expressiveness  using them. In addition, your child will learn how to mix colors to create new shades and tones, how to create texture and depth using different brush strokes... 

PLASTICINE is a form of tactile learning, engaging the sense of touch to support hands -on exploration and creativity. It encourages children to manipulate, mold, smudge and shape materials, which helps improve fine motor skills, enhance sensory processing, and boost spatial awareness. It's particularly effective for calming hyperactive kids, supporting brain development, and assisting children with speech delays by strengthening neutral connections between touch and communication skills.

PLASTICINE MODELLING CLAY - Ultimate Tool For Childs  Development

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:"The sources of children's abilities and talents are at the tips of their fingers..The more skill is in a child's hand, the smarter the child is."

Plasticine is great for brain development and general well being of the child. Choose Plasticine over Phone games.

 Join us and you will see how talented your child is and what he/she is capable of.

  What Your Child Will Learn

When You Child Joins The Membership, they will embark on an exciting artistic journey where they will learn foundational art skills while having fun. Here's what they will discover:

Master Gouache Painting Techniques

Your child will explore the vibrant world of gouache painting, learning essential techniques such as color mixing, layering, and creating smooth transitions between shades.

Create Beautiful, Balanced Compositions

From learning how to arrange objects on paper to understanding proportions, your child will be guided on how to create harmonious, well - composed work of art. They'll confidently navigate the space on the page, bringing balance and creativity to their artwork

Bring paintings to Life with Light and Shadow

By mastering key elements of light and shadow -  highlight, shadows, half-tones, and reflections -  your child will add depth and dimension to their creations, making their paintings more realistic and expressive.

Explore Plasticine Art

Not only your child will learn how to paint with gouache, but will explore  and dive in the world of new painting medium -Plasticine. It will help your child not only create amazing art pieces, but enhance fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, focus, attention and all skill needed in life.

What Your Child Will Gain


As your child masters new art techniques and completes creative projects, they will experience a sense of achievement that builds self-confidence. Every success will inspire them to keep exploring and developing their unique artistic voice.


Gouache painting and clay modeling activities contribute to fine motor skill development, improving precision and control over hand movements. Your child will strengthen hands, prepare them for writing.


Encountering challenges in art projects encourages children to think creatively and find innovative solutions, nurturing - problem solving skills.


Art encourages your child to express their thoughts and feelings creatively. Whether through bold colors, dynamic shapes, or carefully crafted designs.


OUR online classes empower children to take charge of their learning in the future, fostering independence and self-directed exploration.


With our step - by- step lessons your child will learn how to paint and create unique piece of art.

Each Month You Will Have


All lessons will be available 24/7. You will be able to rewind and take it at your own pace. 6 lessons added each month. After joining you will have already access to more than 90 + Masterclasses.


All masterclasses are pre-recorded lessons that are broken down into easy to follow instructions. Each lesson will be provided with the supply list. Over 70 lessons are available now. The library is growing every month.


If you are busy parent, or enjoy time at home and do not want to drive hours to art studio, get stuck in traffic etc, YOU can relax while your child is learning with us. Or you can join and have fun too.

Frequently Asked Questions

The studio is great for children from 5 to 7 years old. This is Plasticine and Gouache painting Membership. Two Amazing Art Tools that help to develop fine motor skills, super skills for the child, gain confidence and learn how to paint. This age is the BEST for CREATIVE THINKING DEVELOPMENT and FINE MOTOR SKILLS. GREAT for Preschoolers, kindergarten kids, Early school, and kids that have speech problem. Especially Plasticine lesson will benefit. 

The studio is for parents of preschoolers, kindergarten kids, early years. Homeschooling parents, non homeschooling parents. The art classes in the studio are only for personal use. They can not be distributed, shared or used for commercial use. You can share your child's creation with in our community. 

You will need  soft  plasticine/modelling clay, stack (plastic knife) tinted colored paper for painting or craft paper approx from 180-230 gsm, cardboard can be used as well, wet wipes, tissue paper pencil, etc. Before each lesson you will get information what to prepare. For Gouache painting lessons you will need A3  colored craft paper 200 gsm, gouache paint.

No, you can not use different paint , as these classes are for little children and gouache paint in more child friendly. It is safe to use, easy to clean, non toxic. Gouache paint is water-based medium and has a creamy consistency, It has opaque and vibrant finish. Little children sometimes need time to paint some details longer, and with gouache paint even if it dries fast it is very easy for them to rewet the paint and continue working.  I do not use tempera paint as it is semi opaque and not suitable for our lessons. 

In terms of hardness, plasticine can be  Soft- suitable for plasticine paintings, collages etc, Hard - great for plasticine modelling/sculpting (making characters), and Extra soft - not suitable for plasticine sculpting.

Use only gouache paint, easy to find on Amazon. Inside the studio i will be showing you what i will use. There is separate video inside the portal where i show you what gouache i use during masterclasses.

All art lessons are pre-recorded masterclasses  in video format. You can watch them any time, at your own pace. However, you will get printable worksheets for some lessons as well. Usually these are facts about something that we paint or model.

Lessons will be around 30 - 45 min. Because these lessons are for small children timing will be as it should be. Try not to overwhelm your child, they know when it is enough for them. Our lessons and learning here can be followed at your own pace.
You will get every month 6 art lessons. Mix gouache and plasticine.

No, I do not follow any curriculum. The goal in the Studio is to develop fine motor skills for children, for that they do not need a curriculum. They need tools, activities and guidance. This is the age when creative process for the child is more important than the end result. Although, the end result will be great, and Children will feel positive emotions, excitement while painting and creating, and this is very important not to disturb it with the need of a curriculum. They will have time for that.  And here we use painting and plasticine - the tools that are perfect for the development of the fine motor skills, creativity and other important skills. And as a bonus -  they learn how to paint, model, create a masterpiece, develop more skills, confidence and amazing end result from their creative process..

That is great. We constantly develop fine motor skills even as an adults. No matter what level your child is our painting classes are suitable for any level.. Fine motor skills not the end result - it is the goal. End result is what the child can achieve with all developed skills. Parents can join as well. I am sure they will have fun as well.



Monthly Subscription: Payments are automatically deducted each month on the date you sign up. Cancel anytime.

$29 /Month

  • Over 90 + masterclasses ALREADY in the membership Portal
  • 6 video lessons each month 
  • BONUS: Monthly reward chart 
  • BONUS: Affirmation cards for kids
  • Unlimited access to all lessons while you are a member
  • Private facebook group
  • BONUS: Gratitude Journal For Kids
  • Join as a founding member. The prices will go up!!!!



Elevate your child's progress with our Monthly Reward Charts! Foster habits, celebrate wins, and cultivate responsibility in a playful way. Watch them shine as they track their achievement and earn reward.


Energize your child's day with our Affirmation cards for Kids. Positively boost their confidence and mindset through encouraging messages designed just for them. These cards are a powerful tool to inspire a happy heart and a bright outlook. Start each day with a sprinkle of positivity!


Cultivate the wonderful habit of gratitude in your child's life. This journal is a special space for them to capture moments of joy, reflect on blessings, and appreciate the little things . Nurture a positive mindset and create lasting memories with each heartfelt entry.

Who Am I

                       Tamara M

Empowering  Art Mentor, Digital Creator &  Enterpreneur

I am the founder of Colorful Adventures Kids Art Studio, The place where Skills Blossom and Confidence Blooms .

At Colorful Adventures Kids Art Studio, F.U.T.U.R.E. embodies our mission, representing our commitment to Foundation building, Unleashing potential, Teaching skills, Uplifting confidence, and Empowering young minds for Rising Excellence in Shaping their Amazing Future. 

 Choose any membership for your child & become part of our growing community. 
At Our Studio, every stroke isn't just paint on paper; it's a brush dipped in skills that weave a story of growth and self-expression.

Join Us as we unlock your child's potential through art, fostering resilience, resourcefulness, and a tapestry of skills that inspire. YOUR CHILD'S RESULT is formation of a foundation and solid skill for Life!!!


This webpage and the services it offers comprise intellectual property exclusively owned by Colorful Adventures Kids Art Studio and Tamara M ( This encompasses visuals, pictures, and videos. This provision is extended to you within the scope of the Service, operating under a license for single-family use. Each membership stands as an independent family subscription and can not be distributed among multiple parties.A single email address and family entity are associated with each membership subscription. You are granted the privilege to access all materials presented and made available on this membership site for the duration of your active membership.Upon cancellation of your subscription , your access to the private Colorful Adventures Kids Art Studio and Masterpiece Makers Club  website and its complete content will be discontinued.

Colorful  Adventures Kids Art Studio and all membership clubs  provide a Single family User Licence designed for home utilization. This signifies that a single household can make use of one membership exclusively for their own children.Your membership subscription licence permits the utilization of one email address per family. It is important to note that the CAKAS membership including Masterpiece Makers Club  is not intended for application within an educational institution or other clubs.

At CA Kids Art Studio , we retain your name and email address within our server databases. Your email address will be utilized to get in touch with you regarding your account's status and any other activities carried out on our website.Pease rest assured that we will never trade or utilize your email address for any intentions beyond communication related to matters concerning our services.

CA Kids Art Studio and Masterpiece Makers Club does not store any credit card information on its servers. Any credit card transactions are managed through our transaction gateways, including For all recurring billing processes, we rely on their gateway services.

You retain freedom to terminate your subscription whenever you wish. Once cancellation occurs, your access to the private CAKAS website, Masterpiece Makers Club and its complete content will cease. For optimal value, we recommend canceling towards the conclusion of your pre-paid term. To proceed with cancellation, please email us 

Due to the digital nature and immediate access of this product, all purchases are final sale and are non-refundable.